In order to be eligible for AA division or above in the 2025 season, you need to a9end a tryout. The information
below identifies who must attend the tryouts, what to bring, where, when, etc.
Thursday, January 9th at Condon Park Turf Field 5:00pm-9:00pm
* If it is raining or snow on ground, look for updates on the website for location change
Wednesday after 3:00pm.
Saturday January 11th Condon Park Turf Field 9:00am-12:30pm
* If it is raining or snow on ground, look for updates on website for loca=on change Friday
after 3:00pm.
-Baseball glove, Hat, Bat, water bottle
(if you have) Turf Shoes for the field. Indoor shoes in case of rain.
- All Players must be registered in order to be eligible to tryout.
NOTE: Player MUST attend one of the two tryouts to be eligible for the draft. If draft eligible
player does not attend either tryout the player will be placed into the lowest division eligible.
8-12* year olds: All must participate in one of the two tryout sessions.
13-14* year olds: Does not need to a9end at this time.
Thursday, January 9th
8 year olds - 5:00pm
9 year olds - 5:40pm
10 year olds - 6:20pm
11 year olds - 7:00pm
12 year olds - 7:40pm
Saturday, January 11th
8 year olds - 9:00am
9 year olds - 9:40am
10 year olds - 10:20am
11 year olds - 11:00am
12 year olds - 11:40am
All players should arrive at tryouts at least 15 minutes prior to their designated tryout Qme.